Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Teaser Tuesday

Hi guys! Teaser Tuesday again! We didn't have time last week, so we didn't post anything. Great teasers on everyone's behalf, nonetheless!

So basically, this is what's going on: MC Mary just got in a fight with her parents over ________ and she sought for a friend, specifically Faust. But like everyone else, Faust shuns Mary.

Here's the teaser!

Thanks for reading, guys!


VĂ©ro L said...

Aww I feel bad for your MC!

LizPage said...

Ah my darlings.
Is it fair to comment if I've betaed this?
I've probably already commented on it lol.
I do love this bit though, especially cause I know what comes next :)

Amna said...

*jealous of Liz*

This is a great teaser, definitely would read more.

Rebecca A. Rogers said...

Even if he is rude, I <33 Faust. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder what's going on between these two. I've been following your teasers for a while now, but haven't quite figured it out...

DrunkenLilacs said...

Thanks for the comments guys!

Emilia Plater said...

Loove that last line. Great voice. Great teaser - I want to read more :)

Annie McElfresh said...

Ohhhh I'm with Becca on this one! I love Faust! Why do we always go for the bad boy??? LOL Great snip :)

Kaitlin Ward said...

Your poor MC! Great teaser.

DrunkenLilacs said...

Thanks guys!

Karla Calalang said...

I feel like this week both our MCs (Kyle and Mary) are in horrid situations. I feel like I could hug your MC too! ;)

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