Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Teaser Tuesday

Another teaser from SLOW this week, since it's gotten real positive comments last week. We'll post more about it soon (characters, plot, etc.) so you'll have a feel of where we're coming from with this.

Backstory: Last teaser, Drew's sulking about his girlfriend Jo's death, and he sees something unbelievable. Well, he follows that figure when "she" runs away, and sees her again on the bridge (it used to be the Well, but I changed it back to bridge) Jo jumped off, about to do exactly what Jo did. And the setting is changed - from a South Carolina island summer to a Georgia winter - so it's a lot different.

Now, just a warning, this might not be for the weak stomached. Drew is close-minded and really, really annoying, even to me, but as the story goes, he changes a lot, and in a good way. Here it goes:

Thanks for reading, guys!


Parametric said...

Really enjoying this story. I love the protagonist's bitterness and despair, and I love the little hints that he's a much nicer/better person than he makes out - like his feelings for Jo and his desire to help the bridge-jumper. Nice. :)

Kristin Briana Otts said...

Teh awesome. It iz killing me.


Laurie said...

I like the rhythm of this piece.

LizPage said...

New?? Did I miss something?
This is so exciting!
I'll beta again whenever you want dolls.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not too much hate here, but then again I always tend to like darker stories. I think his interaction with the girl on the bridge is very revealing of how Drew really is or might be. Can't wait to see more of this.

Angie said...

Wow, this is awesome. Love the voice,and no, it's not too much. Looking forward to reading more. :)

Glen Akin said...

Ho.Ly. Shit. I know I'm not the only one who didn't see that coming. Where did the girl go?! And the MC's voice - amazing!

bclement412 said...

Voice = pure awesomeness. That teaser felt so short because it compelled me to keep reading MORE and MORE and MORE.

I didn't want it to end.

DrunkenLilacs said...

thanks for commenting guys!!!

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