Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teaser Tuesday!!!!

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Gosh, we've been noticing that the only thing we post is teaser tuesday :P We'll find soemthing creative soon, promise!!!

Anyways, this is a scene written just this weekend, so it's a little rough. Basically, Mary wakes up in her room and she finds something a little off. Okay, maybe a lot.

Thank you for reading :D


CJ Paris said...

Great job! Gripped me till the end!

Karla Calalang said...

This is really good! It gripped me too!

Anonymous said...

ooooo! Very gripping indeed.
Great work :)

J.S. Wood said...

My heart is beating faster, great job. If you ever need a beta...

madeline said...

Wow, that was just wow.

Yes, if you ever need a beta reader...hehehe.

But, wow, that was amazing. Your writing is very gripping.

DrunkenLilacs said...

wow, thanks guys!

and you two would be on our mind if we ever need one :P

Rebecca A. Rogers said...

Yes, very gripping. I also love your descriptions and the creepy vibe this gives. :D

Raven M said...

Wow, this was really good. I love the descriptions and I can really see Faust just sitting there in pain...awe, I wonder what happened to him.

Keep writing!

DrunkenLilacs said...

Thank you for reading and commenting guys! we loved all your teasers!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the late response, but I'm glad I took the time to catch up on your teaser this week. And wow, your blog looks awesome too! I'll be back next week for sure.

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