Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Hey, guys, here goes another teaser. It's kind of rough but the scene is when Mary has some difficulties with her vicious little brother. :D

P.S. We'll try to read and comment all your teasers.

Here it goes:

Thanks for reading :D

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Sixth Circle Trailer :D

Being bored can make you do very productive things :D

Updates and Movies

Hey guys, how was your weekend?

Ours was great! We hit 69K last night and we are so excited. Sixth Circle is close to being done. Hopefully, it will be finished by Thanksgiving break and things will go from there.

So that's the update on Sixth Circle.

Now its time to talk about movies!!!

Paranormal Activity. Don't watch it alone. It will scare you to death. It was very interesting and new. It was a great movie and you wouldn't believe its budget was only 15,000 dollars. Its worth the watch.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Teaser Tuesday!!!!

Okay, so, again, our post is a teaser tuesday. This scene was just written, so it hasn't been edited thoroughly. Ok, so Mary visits Dillon's house, and she's beginning to regret it. Maybe she shouldn't snoop around people's business...(Oh, yeah, it's pretty long)

P.S. We'll try and comment on everyone's teasers today!

Thanks you for reading :D

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Teaser Tuesday!!!!

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Gosh, we've been noticing that the only thing we post is teaser tuesday :P We'll find soemthing creative soon, promise!!!

Anyways, this is a scene written just this weekend, so it's a little rough. Basically, Mary wakes up in her room and she finds something a little off. Okay, maybe a lot.

Thank you for reading :D

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Teaser Tuesday!!!!

Thank you for reading :D

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Updates and Tips

Okay, so we're on the halfway mark to finishing the rewrite! Last night, we finished off part one with 9k words! By the end of our shift, we were so tired we forgot to shut down our computers and left them to overheat, lol. Anyways, just wanted to share the glorious news, if anyone cared.

Also, me and my sister found a very good way to fix little plot problems and or build a stronger, more sturdy plot. Now, we know it sounds bizarre, but we came across this brilliant idea to read reviews of books that match the genre you're writing. We don't know if anyone does this, or if it helps anyone at all, but my sister and I would just sit down and read book reviews on books that match our genre. If there's a bad review of the book, and there's a same weakness in our story, we would go back and try to emphasize anything we missed or take out all the unnecessarry baggage. If it's a good review of the book, we would keep our eyes out for more of those or this or that. DOes that make sense? We hope it does, because it helps us a lot, and it would be selfish not to share this discovery(if it is a discovery, even).

Anyways, have a good rest of the day. Write, write, write, and good luck to all!
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